Learn Academic Coaching Skills
This training is appropriate for the parent who would like to gain awareness of the concepts of academic coaching. This awareness will help them deal with a school related situation in a more informed manner. They will be able to recognize the root causes of issues like; loss of interest in a subject or studies in general, stressed child, falling behind in assignments and more. You will be given a coaching manual to keep for future use. We will also give you access to training videos for a year.
​Program Main Features:
- Why is Academic Coaching needed
- What is Academic Coaching
- How to be a good Coach
- Scenarios where coaching can be useful
- Introduction to Executive Skills
- Techniques to improve Executive Skills
- Introduction to Academic Skills
- Techniques to improve Academic Skills
- Practical coaching with our coach
- Theory and Practical sessions throughout the course
Duration: 3 days (can be started anytime)
Study Materials:
- Video sessions,
- Phone/video zoom sessions
- Coaching Manual
- Worksheets
Fee: Rs.3,500
Apply Here :
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